Thursday, June 28, 2007

Of Cotton and Carpets

One of the most amazing projects here in Deschapelles is the carpet business my godmother has started with her friend Luquece Belizaire.

The carpets are made entirely by hand: the cotton is planted, grown, picked, cleaned, spun, and woven without benefit of a single electric- or petroleum-powered machine. In the process, the carpet company has been able to employ 42 people, from farmers to weavers.

Those who grow the cotton are given seed (NOT sold) and guaranteed that every ounce they produce will be purchased. This area was once a great center of cotton growing, but crops have changed over the years, and people have forgotten how. Instruction and advice are available for those farmers who need it.

The old folks above clean the seeds from the cotton after it has been picked. WIthout this work they would be financial liabilities to their already-struggling families. With this work they are contributors. Luquece, who runs the day-to-day operations, pays them even when there is no cotton to clean, giving them an income they may rely on week in and week out, regardless.

The beautiful lady in the sailor blouse is Melise, the master weaver. She oversees the weaving and dying.

42 lives improved so far...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my home town, I am really thankful to Mr. Belizaire for supporting our community. Chapo ba pou mon fre!